Your pollution prevention partner
Whether confounded by jargon in the MS4 or Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity; or intimidated by correspondence from regulatory agencies, understanding permit responsibilities can be a daunting process for environmental managers.
Water Action Compliance Assistance and Planning LLC is dedicated to providing a more affordable, expert alternative to large engineering firms to meet the needs of municipally and privately owned facilities subject to stormwater regulations. Whether you need a one-time training to help you confidently negotiate the maze of permit requirements or long term compliance assistance, Water Action Compliance Assistance & Planning LLC wants to be your pollution prevention partner.
Water Action Compliance Assistance and Planning LLC is dedicated to providing a more affordable, expert alternative to large engineering firms to meet the needs of municipally and privately owned facilities subject to stormwater regulations. Whether you need a one-time training to help you confidently negotiate the maze of permit requirements or long term compliance assistance, Water Action Compliance Assistance & Planning LLC wants to be your pollution prevention partner.
Guiding Principles
Water Action Compliance Assistance & Planning LLC strives to develop the most practical, achievable and cost-effective path to compliance possible for each client, guided by the following principles:
Provide a thorough and realistic evaluation.
In order to make informed choices, you need to know how your operations measure up to the stormwater regulations. We perform inspections from the perspective of a regulator and provide an accurate interpretation of your responsibilities under stormwater regulations. Our goal is to help you see your program as an inspector will, so you can address potential deficiencies before you're required to do so under an order from State or US EPA. We don't sugar-coat the weaknesses in your pollution prevention program or exaggerate its faults to generate business.
Respect the client's time.
We know that you already have a job that takes more time and energy than you have. We believe that by combining your knowledge of operations and our expertise, we can help you develop a path to compliance with stormwater regulations that maximizes the effectiveness of your existing resources. Where change is required or recommended, we can help you develop a phased plan to ease the transition.
Keep costs down.
We believe that the best business practice is one that protects the client's resources. As a small business, we're able to pass the benefits of low overhead on to clients. We research site-specific preventative measures and corrective actions, if needed, with cost in mind.
Emphasize environmental stewardship and source control.
John Donne wrote, "No man is an island". Likewise, though an industrial facility is a business, it's also a neighbor that must take responsibility for the environmental impacts of its operations. Municipalities are charged with creating a healthy business climate while simultaneously protecting the environment. Even if you have no interest in environmental protection, you're responsible for environmental impacts from activities affecting the quality of stormwater runoff from your facility. Either way, it's easier and less expensive to prevent pollution than to clean it up later. We want to help you create a stormwater program that meets your responsibilities by effectively minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of your operation.
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is only as good as the training provided to the Pollution Prevention Team.
Whether you want to develop and implement a plan with minimal assistance or you want us to take the lead, a strong training program is needed.
Let us help you create a facility-specific training program to meet your needs, responsibilities and preferences.
Encourage implementation of non-structural and green stormwater control practices.
A strong good housekeeping program is an example of an inexpensive, yet very effective non-structural control. When structural controls are needed, we promote the use of green practices whenever possible. If necessary, we can help you select an engineer who shares our client-centered approach and is familiar with operations like yours to oversee implementation of structural practices.
Provide a thorough and realistic evaluation.
In order to make informed choices, you need to know how your operations measure up to the stormwater regulations. We perform inspections from the perspective of a regulator and provide an accurate interpretation of your responsibilities under stormwater regulations. Our goal is to help you see your program as an inspector will, so you can address potential deficiencies before you're required to do so under an order from State or US EPA. We don't sugar-coat the weaknesses in your pollution prevention program or exaggerate its faults to generate business.
Respect the client's time.
We know that you already have a job that takes more time and energy than you have. We believe that by combining your knowledge of operations and our expertise, we can help you develop a path to compliance with stormwater regulations that maximizes the effectiveness of your existing resources. Where change is required or recommended, we can help you develop a phased plan to ease the transition.
Keep costs down.
We believe that the best business practice is one that protects the client's resources. As a small business, we're able to pass the benefits of low overhead on to clients. We research site-specific preventative measures and corrective actions, if needed, with cost in mind.
Emphasize environmental stewardship and source control.
John Donne wrote, "No man is an island". Likewise, though an industrial facility is a business, it's also a neighbor that must take responsibility for the environmental impacts of its operations. Municipalities are charged with creating a healthy business climate while simultaneously protecting the environment. Even if you have no interest in environmental protection, you're responsible for environmental impacts from activities affecting the quality of stormwater runoff from your facility. Either way, it's easier and less expensive to prevent pollution than to clean it up later. We want to help you create a stormwater program that meets your responsibilities by effectively minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of your operation.
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is only as good as the training provided to the Pollution Prevention Team.
Whether you want to develop and implement a plan with minimal assistance or you want us to take the lead, a strong training program is needed.
- The MSGP requires staff with responsibilities under the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to complete training on an annual basis.
- The MS4 General Permit has a Public Education and Outreach component as a Minimum Control Measure.
- Managers and members of the stormwater Pollution Prevention Team must be aware of the purpose and details of their plan on an ongoing basis.
- Facilities engaged in Sector N activities must provide pollution prevention education to patrons.
- The services provided by Water Action Compliance Assistance & Planning LLC are intended to support, not replace, the day to day attention necessary to maintain compliance with stormwater regulations under the Clean Water Act.
- The operator of a facility subject to stormwater regulations is legally responsible for compliance with all permit conditions and requirements.
Let us help you create a facility-specific training program to meet your needs, responsibilities and preferences.
Encourage implementation of non-structural and green stormwater control practices.
A strong good housekeeping program is an example of an inexpensive, yet very effective non-structural control. When structural controls are needed, we promote the use of green practices whenever possible. If necessary, we can help you select an engineer who shares our client-centered approach and is familiar with operations like yours to oversee implementation of structural practices.